Monday Aug 9, 2021
Dear Parents, Community Members, Students, Guardians:
It is hard to believe we will start school in two short weeks. I want to welcome everyone back to the 21-22 school year. Last school year was challenging for everyone and our students and staff did an amazing job of adjusting daily to the changes. The 21-22 school year will be one of flexibility and adjustments.
This is an exciting time for Exira-EHK. It is also a focus of our team to support our faculty and continue to foster an atmosphere that promotes a learning community characterized by child-centered instruction and decisions, best practices ensuring academic excellence, trust, respect, and the recognition of both student and staff successes. Our team is committed to supporting the Exira-EHK students with a high quality, Iowa Core-standards aligned education that is focused on student learning and data driven results. The overall goal is to ensure growth for all students so that they can be successful citizens in life after high school.
I want to welcome our two new administrators who have been working hard this summer preparing for the school year, hiring new staff members, and focusing on the positives of our district and communities. Carrie Bauer will be our new PK-5 Principal. Most of you know Carrie from her time working in our district for the AEA over the past number of years. Nate McDonald will be our new 6-12 Principal. He comes to us from Logan-Magnolia where he was a 5th/6th grade teacher as well as Activities Director and Coach.
Here are some important dates and times for the start of the school year:
- Building secretaries return on Monday August 9th to answer your questions. Building hours are 8:00-4:00.
Thursday, August 12th
- 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. 9th and 10th Grade Orientation (Student only orientation)
- 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. 11th and 12th Grade Orientation (Student only orientation)
Wednesday August 18th
- 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM Back to School Kickoff at the Elk Horn Fire Hall.
Thursday August 19th
- Open House Elementary 4:00-6:00
- Open House Middle School/High School: 4:00-6:00
- 6:00 P.M. 6th grade orientation: High School Gymnasium
- 7:00 P.M. Mandatory Parent Meeting: This is for Parents with students in grades 7th-12th who are involved in Athletics for the 2021-22 school year. Location: High School Gymnasium
Monday, August 23rd First Day of School for Kindergarten through 12th grade
Tuesday, September 7th First Day of School for Preschool
I know there are a number of questions on what school will look like. We are analyzing the updated guidance that was released on August 4th and will be sharing another piece of communication tomorrow Aug 10, 2021.
Everyone will still need to be flexible and understand changes could happen throughout the school year based on guidance from the state and public health.
We hope everyone has had a great summer and are as excited as we are to return to school.
Mr. Trevor Miller Superintendent
Mr. Nate McDonald 6-12 Principal
Mrs. Carrie Bauer PK-5 Principal